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  • How can I track my shipped item?
    Once your order has been shipped you will receive an email with your tracking information. For all domestic orders, we use Australia Post, you can enter the tracking number via their website.
  • Returns, exchanges and faulty items.
    Please contact us at and we can help with your order. Please read our Returns policy for more information.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?
    Orders can take generally anywhere from 2-21 business days, depending on the time of year. Please see our shipping policy for more information. Track your order for further information regarding your orders transit time.
  • Can I ship to my PO Box or a Parcel Locker?
    Yes, we use Australia Post for Australia wide shipping which means PO Boxes and Parcel Lockers are easily sent to.
  • Can I change my order?
    Once you receive confirmation that your order is on it’s way your order is finalised. Any changes need to be made following our Returns Policy.
  • What currencies are accepted?
    We are an Australian based label, all prices are quoted in AUD.
  • Is ONE AND ALL Sailing Ship a Not-For-Profit Organisation?
    Yes the ONE AND ALL Sailing Ship is a Not-For-Profit Organisation run by - Friends of The One And All Sailing Ship Incorporated (FOASS) - as a registered charity with The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Our Registered charity status can be viewed at the following link -
  • What is the Rotary Youth Sailing Challenge?
    The Rotary Youth Sailing Voyages aim to support participants to discover the One & All's youth training program. The voyage is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience an amazing five days at sea – an experience which will reshape your outlook forever and change your future. Sailing aboard a sail training vessel on a 5-day training voyage is a dynamic personal development experience during which lifelong skills are learnt through challenge and adventure. It is an intensive work and social experience, where trainees are presented with the challenge of acquiring skills needed to operate a Tall Ship, safely, at sea. Meeting these challenges conveys a sense of achievement and self-worth. To find out more about joining the program please visit the link below Rotary Youth Sailing Voyages are available to all students who are aged 15, and up to age 19.
  • Can I volunteer on ONE AND ALL?
    -Love talking to people? -Like all things maritime? -Like sailing or being by the water? -Looking for some adventure at sea? -Or just want to be involved with this iconic ship? Whether you’re a land or sea lover we are looking for new members for events such as Open days, School tours, Community events, Day sails and Voyages. No experience required…We can show you the “ropes”! Membership is open to anyone interested in tall ships and sail training, and those who wish to give back to the community. Volunteers need to be aged 15 years of age and above. To become a member please click on the link below-
  • What are the benefits to volunteering with One and All?
    -Members receive copies of the volunteer group’s newsletter “The Ship’s Bell” which contains reports on past activities and details of future events of both on or off the water with ship. -General social meetings are held from time to time and feature interesting talks by guest speakers or workshops. -Members are invited to assist with promotion of STV “One and All” and our volunteer group at community events, open days on the ship. -Regular training sessions are held for members wishing to join activities on board the ship. -Members can take part in volunteer training courses and can apply for training subsidies. -Members are invited to assist with ongoing maintenance of the ship on scheduled maintenance days and at the annual refit. -Members get to enjoy the exhilaration of Sailing on a Tall Ship, climbing the rigging, meeting new friends, and get great joy from helping others in the community.
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